Hi, I'm Arjun
The Founder/Voice of DisplayZen
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Mind Mechanics

Everything is in the mindset. Whether you think you are making progress or not is all in the mind. You have to think long-term.

First thing I want you to understand is the concept of iteration and consistency.

lteration and consistency aren't the secret to success.

The real secret is consistently iterating and * improving at least 1% every day. Just iterating isn't enough. You need to test what you iterate on and improve.

But the bottom line is simple. You have to stick to one thing.

It might not have worked out in 90 days, half a year or more. But that doesn't mean it will not work out. If you are genuinely passionate about your pursuit, persist in your efforts.

Keep iterating because growth is exponential.

I can promise you one thing: Growth is never a straight line. And to see true growth, you need to be different.

You might not see the growth you want in 3 months. But keep improving, and you will definitely see that growth.

Give it 5 years.

One other concept I want you to understand is the idea of simplifying your life to achieve your life’s purpose and goals.

To achieve your life’s purpose, it’s as easy as simplifying your life.

Life isn’t complicated. We make it to be. Reality is neutral.

Reaching your goals isn’t complicated. It’s all about aligning your actions to match your goals and interests.

Simplify your life. If something you are currently doing is not leading closer to where you want to be in life, remove it.

If it is, amplify that action.

To have a high-paying job like a doctor/lawyer, the path is quite straightforward ↓

School → More School → Work

If you want to become an entrepreneur, it’s about learning.

Learning can come from school. But it doesn’t have to. A degree isn’t compulsory.

But, self-initiated learning is.

If something works, do more of it.

If something doesn’t work, do less of it.

And the only way to know if something works is to keep testing new things. Testing is easier at the start and gets harder as you grow.

Simplify your life by following these 3 steps:

  1. Understand yourself
  2. Internalize your goals and interests
  3. Align your actions to match them.

The last aspect of mind mechanics I want you to understand is the aspect of critical thinking. I'll keep it as concise as possible.

Critical Thinking

As soon as you develop a sense of understanding and consciousness, you are in school. Even before that, you were in school.

This might not make sense just yet but the schooling years before you gained a sense of understanding has subconsciously enslaved you.

Most people don't question what they are taught and why they are taught.

The idea of questioning comes from curiosity. Every child is curious but slowly, that curiosity dies down. But in reality, that innate curiosity is what keeps humans thriving in this economy.

If there's one thing I want you to understand, it's this:

“The problems that are holding you back will continue to do so until you start thinking”

Sometimes, all you need to do is to start thinking.

Critical thinking = Independent thinking

You will need to figure out the answer for yourself. That's what its all about.

Deriving the truth is important because it gives you the true perspective and the mastery.

You can also use the Socratic Method ↓

It's essentially asking questions. If you are reading a book, you need to stop and internalise what you just read.

You need to think about it. Why its true, is it even true? How do you use it?

Ask questions to yourself.

Just start a conversation with yourself. As if someone is interviewing you. And answer those questions as if you are being recorded and the people you look upto will watch the video.

This is incredibly helpful. I've done it. A lot of people have done it.

This comes back to the idea of ‘just thinking’.

Thinking about a problem will solve it (to an extent). To solve it fully, you need to start letting it go.

For now, start thinking.

The reason why critical thinking is so important is because a lot of information you find online is false and delusional. That's why you need to find the truth yourself.


Focus is controlled consciousness.

Deep Work

A lot of people also call this period of time “Deep Work”. You might have already heard many others talking about Deep Work which is essentially just a particular period of time where you are focused on one activity. Deep work is very important as it allows you to excel in the activity you are performing.

Monk Mode…Deep Work…Flow State…They all mean the same thing. It’s you focusing on the present moment but in varying durations.

Monk Mode > Deep Work > Flow State (lowest duration)

Flow State can be from a few seconds to a few minutes to a few hours

Deep Work can be from a few hours to a day

Monk Mode can be anywhere from 21 days to 90 days (not recommended outside of this range - it’s good to have a balance)

Now, let’s get started ↓

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