case study

Pro Sync - Project Management SaaS

> Project background
> Market research
> Product psychology
> Information architecture
> UI/UX Designs
> Evaluate

1 - Research

Project Background

The aim of this project is to improve the user experience and increase the market competitiveness of Pro Sync, a Project Management SaaS platform.

This is done through understanding market trends, user behaviours and aligning the product design with business objectives.

Pro Sync's Goals

  • Increase user adoption - Pro Sync aim to attract new users to their project management platform and encourage widespread adoption.
  • Improve user retention - A key focus for Pro Sync is to keep existing users engaged and prevent churn. A user-friendly and efficient platform is crucial to achieving high retention rates.
  • Differentiate in a competitive market - The project management software market is saturated with various solutions. Pro Sync aims to stand out by offering an intuitive and collaborative platform that empowers teams to manage projects seamlessly.


  • Catering to diverse needs
  • Balancing simplicity with functionality
  • Encouraging effective collaboration

My Role in the Project

- UX/UI Designer and Product Strategist

I improved the user experience of Pro Sync's platform:

  • Conducting user research to deeply understand pain points and user behaviors.
  • Crafting the Information Architecture to improve the platform's feature organization.
  • Designing the UI for the dashboard, project views, and key user flows, promoting usability and a modern aesthetic.
  • Creating the new user onboarding experience, ensuring it reduces the barrier to entry.

Market Analysis

Conducted research on the project management software market - analyzed the competitor’s websites and offers, pricing models and customer feedback. Identified emerging trends such as remote work collaboration tools and agile project management methodologies.

Customer Journey Mapping

Mapped out the user journey from initial account setup to project completion. Identified pain points such as complex navigation, inefficient task management, and lack of collaboration features.

Product Psychology

Applied principles of product psychology to understand user motivations and behaviors when using project management software. Explored concepts such as gamification, social proof, and cognitive biases to enhance user engagement and satisfaction.

Here's a breakdown of how each concept can be applied:


  • Interactive Calendars and Timelines - Gamify project scheduling by allowing users to drag and drop tasks on calendars or timelines. This creates a more dynamic and engaging experience compared to static schedules.
  • Customizable User Interfaces (Themes, Eg: gmail themes) - Allow users to personalize their workspace with themes, avatars, or custom backgrounds. This fosters a sense of ownership and makes the software feel less generic.

Social Proof

One option is through project showcases and public sharing options. Allow users to create public-facing project dashboards or reports (with appropriate privacy controls). This encourages knowledge sharing within the organization and promotes the software's capabilities to potential users.

Cognitive Biases

  • Progress Visualization - Loss Aversion:
    People dislike losing more than they enjoy gaining. Utilize progress bars or completion percentages to highlight what's already achieved. This creates a sense of loss aversion, motivating users to maintain momentum and avoid "losing" progress made so far.
  • Prioritization Tools - "Planning Fallacy":
    People tend to underestimate time needed for tasks. Integrate time estimation tools and visual resource allocation features. This helps users plan more realistically and avoid feeling overwhelmed by unrealistic deadlines.

Business Goals Alignment

Aligned research findings with Pro Sync’s business objectives of increasing user adoption, improving retention rates, and differentiating the platform in a competitive market.

2 - Define

Implement design improvements and persuasive ux writing to enhance user satisfaction and drive user growth for Pro Sync.

UX Strategy

Developed a UX strategy focused on improving overall product experience, including simplifying navigation, enhancing task management capabilities, and optimizing user workflows.

Information Architecture

Designed a user-friendly information architecture, organizing features and functionalities logically to improve usability and streamline user interactions.

The Information Architecture includes:

Clear organization and labelling

  • We use clear, concise, and consistent language to label sections, features, and functionalities.
  • The IA is organized in a hierarchical structure, grouping related features together for easy navigation and discovery. With clear and consistent language to label features and functionalities.
  • Project Hierarchy - This could involve sections for Teams, Projects within Teams, Tasks within Projects, and Subtasks within Tasks.

Project Views and Filtering

  • Different project view options like Kanban boards, list views, and calendar. This allows users to visualize and manage projects based on their preferences and project types.

Intuitive Navigation

Users can effortlessly find what they need through a well-designed navigation system.

This includes a combination of:

  • Global Navigation Bar - Provides access to core sections like Projects, Teams, Tasks, and Settings.
  • Search Functionality - Allows users to quickly find specific projects, tasks, or team members using keywords.
  • Breadcrumbs - Indicate user location within the IA hierarchy, aiding in navigation and understanding context.

Optimizing User Workflows

  • Map out common user journeys and identify any bottlenecks or inefficiencies.
  • Streamline workflows by:
    • Reducing unnecessary steps in tasks
    • Automating repetitive actions when appropriate
    • Providing clear instructions and guidance within the product
  • This creates a smoother and more efficient user experience.

3 - Develop & Design

The aim here is to implement design improvements and an improved user onboarding to enhance user satisfaction, retention and drive user growth through a higher referral rate.

UI/UX Design

Implemented a comprehensive UI/UX redesign for Pro Sync, incorporating modern design principles, intuitive user interfaces, and interactive elements. These steps taken will help to enhance usability and engagement.

The new designs utilize the Information Architecture (IA) elements outlined above, such as breadcrumbs and improved visibility, to create a more user-friendly experience.

Dashboard ↓

Projects ↓

Project details ↓

All values are fictional*

4 - Validate

Validate design decisions and ensure a seamless transition for ongoing management of Pro Sync.

Conducted a thorough UX audit and analyzed key metrics such as user engagement, retention rates, and task completion times to measure the impact of design improvements.

  • User engagement: How deeply users interact with the product (e.g., frequency of use, time spent using features).
  • Retention rates: The percentage of users who continue using the product over time.
  • Task completion times: How long it takes users to complete specific tasks within the product.

Usability Testing

Utilized usability testing sessions with real users to validate design decisions, identify usability issues, and gather feedback for further refinement.

This case study demonstrates how we utilized a holistic approach combining design, psychology, and business strategy to transform Pro Sync’s Project Management SaaS platform.

This will help result in increased user growth, higher user satisfaction, and enhanced market competitiveness.