case study

Adaptify - Email Marketing Automation SaaS

> Project background
> Market research
> Product psychology
> Information architecture
> UI/UX Designs
> Evaluate

1 - Research

Project Background

The aim of this project is to improve the user experience and increase the market competitiveness of Adaptify, an Email Marketing Automation SaaS platform.

This is done through understanding market trends, user behaviours and aligning the product design with business objectives.

Adaptify's Goals

  • Increase user adoption - Adaptify aims to attract new users to their email marketing automation platform and encourage them to explore all the features.
  • Improve user retention: A key focus for Adaptify is to keep existing users engaged and reduce churn. A user-friendly and valuable platform is crucial to achieving this.
  • Differentiate in a competitive market: The email marketing software market is crowded. Adaptify strives to stand out by offering a user-centric platform that allows users to create and manage effective marketing campaigns with ease.


  • Complexity vs usability - Email marketing automation software can be feature-rich and complex. The challenge lies in designing an interface that is intuitive and easy to use.
  • Information overload

My Role in the Project

- UX/UI Designer and Product Strategist

I was responsible for redesigning the user experience and user interface of the Adaptify platform. This involved:

  • Conducting and interpreting user research to identify pain points and areas of friction.
  • Crafting the Information Architecture to improve the organization and usability of the platform's features.
  • Designing the UI of the primary dashboard, focusing on usability and intuitive data visualization.
  • Iterating on designs based on usability testing and feedback.
  • Developing the user onboarding flow, aiming for ease of learning and quick time-to-value.

Market Analysis

Conducted research on the email marketingsoftware market - analyzed the competitor’s websites and offers, pricing models and customer feedback. Identified emerging trends such as AI-powered personalization, omnichannel campaign management, and advanced analytics capabilities.

Customer Journey Mapping

Mapped out the user journey from initial account setup to campaign execution and performance analysis. Identified pain points such as complex workflow configurations, limited integration options, and lack of actionable insights.

Product Psychology

Applied principles of product psychology to understand user motivations and behaviors when using marketing automation software. Explored concepts such as scarcity, social proof, and reciprocity to enhance user engagement and adoption rates.

Here's a breakdown of how each concept can be applied:


  • Highlight Campaign-Specific Templates. Showcase pre-designed marketing materials (email templates, landing pages) relevant to specific seasons or upcoming campaigns. This provides immediate value and encourages users to leverage them for their current needs.

Social Proof

  • Customer Success Stories and Case Studies. Integrate success stories within the software interface showcasing how other businesses have achieved results using the marketing automation platform. Seeing tangible benefits gained by others builds trust and motivates users to explore how they can achieve similar success.
  • Designate spaces within the software for users to share successful campaigns or highlight effective use cases.


  • Offer templates and workflows. Offer a library of pre-populated email templates, landing pages, or automated workflows based on industry best practices or common marketing scenarios. This saves users time and effort and encourages them to further invest in learning and utilizing the software.

Business Goals Alignment

Aligned research findings with Adaptify’s business objectives of increasing user adoption, improving retention rates, and differentiating the platform in a competitive market.

2 - Define

Define a clear strategy for implementing design and copywriting improvements to Adaptify based on research insights and business goals.

UX Strategy

Developed a UX strategy focused on improving overall product experience, including simplifying navigation, enhancing campaign creation workflows, and optimizing reporting capabilities.

Information Architecture

Designed a user-friendly information architecture, organizing features and functionalities logically to improve usability and streamline user interactions.

The Information Architecture includes:


  • Provides a high-level overview of key marketing performance metrics (e.g., open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates).
  • Offers quick access to frequently used features and recently accessed campaigns.
  • Can be customized with widgets for specific user preferences.

Contacts Management

  • Create, edit, and segment contact lists based on demographics, interests, or behavior.
  • Import and export contacts from various sources (e.g., CRM, spreadsheets).
  • Manage contact preferences (subscriptions, communication channels).

Campaign Management

  1. Campaign Builder - A visual drag-and-drop interface for building automated email marketing campaigns.
    • Pre-designed email templates categorized by industry or campaign type.
    • Easy integration of text, images, and personalized content.
    • A/B testing capabilities to optimize email performance.
  2. Automation Workflows - Design automated workflows based on user behavior or triggers (e.g., abandoned cart, website visit).


  • In-depth reporting on campaign performance metrics (e.g., opens, clicks, conversions).
  • Ability to drill down into specific data points for granular analysis.

Intuitive Navigation

Users can effortlessly find what they need through a well-designed navigation system.

This includes a combination of:

  • Global Navigation Bar - Provides access to core sections like Projects, Teams, Tasks, and Settings.
  • Search Functionality - Allows users to quickly find specific projects, tasks, or team members using keywords.
  • Breadcrumbs - Indicate user location within the IA hierarchy, aiding in navigation and understanding context.

3 - Develop & Design

The aim here is to implement design improvements and a more engaging user onboarding to enhance user retention and drive user satisfaction.

UI/UX Design

Design a user-centric dashboard experience that would encourage users to stay engaged with the platform, maximizing its value proposition for Adaptify and its customers.

We adopted a design thinking approach, combining design principles with user research and data analysis. This holistic strategy, encompassing design, product strategy, and copywriting, aimed to create a dashboard that was not just aesthetically pleasing, but also intuitive and functional.

Our research from customer journey mapping revealed several key issues contributing to user abandonment:

  • Information Overload - The dashboard felt cluttered with a complex information hierarchy. Users struggled to find the data they needed quickly.
  • Hidden Insights - Key performance metrics (KPIs) were buried in lengthy reports, hindering users' ability to track progress efficiently.

With this design below, all the important KPIs and an overview of the latest campaign are very convenient to access In the dasboard.

Dashboard ↓

Subscriber Management ↓

Campaign Management ↓

All values are fictional*


  • Dashboard labels needed to be concise.
  • Microcopy - Contextual tooltips and microcopy were strategically placed throughout the dashboard. These provided brief explanations and guidance on specific features, promoting user engagement. Thus, increasing user retention.

4 - Validate

Validate design decisions and ensure a seamless transition for ongoing management of Adaptify.

UX Audit

Conducted a thorough UX audit and analyzed key metrics such as user engagement, retention rates, and task completion times to measure the impact of design improvements.

  • User engagement: How deeply users interact with the product (e.g., frequency of use, time spent using features).
  • Retention rates: The percentage of users who continue using the product over time.
  • Task completion times: How long it takes users to complete specific tasks within the product.

Usability Testing

Utilized usability testing sessions with real users to validate design decisions, identify usability issues, and gather feedback for further refinement.

This case study demonstrates how we utilized a holistic approach combining design, psychology, and business strategy to transform Adaptify’s Project Management SaaS platform.

This will help result in increased user growth, higher user satisfaction, and enhanced market competitiveness.