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For entrepreneurs & digital creators

Go from zero to an authentic brand that sells products on autopilot

Productize yourself and build a distinctive brand using proven systems, visual design and creativity- in 6 weeks

  • 36 Lessons to help you strategise
  • 10 Proven Systems to help you execute
  • 2 Bonuses - Notion Template + Help
The course featured image

Productization is the future. Because it's scalable.

I don’t like traditional landing pages anymore.

I’ll try something new - A Genuine Letter from me (Arjun, the course maker and founder of DisplayZen) to you, a potential founder of a brand that generates at least 10K/month.

This is what I know of you so far, from just the past 5 seconds

You are a creative entrepreneur who wants to make a living doing what you love. All while having the freedom of choice and time.

But there are 3 main problems you need to overcome before you get to that dream outcome.

1 - Skill of business

Business is much more than just conversions and landing pages.

It's also about:

  • building an authoritative brand
  • productizing yourself to distribute value
  • writing impactful copy to capture and hold people's attention
  • understanding human psychology to frame compelling stories
  • creating irresistible offers
  • generating high-signal ideas to create content
  • leveraging user-centric design and creativity

Anyone can run a business. But only a few can run a profitable one.

What’s the key to success in business? Two things.

One is the art of continuous iteration. The second is to learn every day.

But learning isn’t everything. This comes back to Strategy vs Execution.

Learning is like strategy. Without execution, a good strategy is useless. Without a good strategy, execution is a waste of time. Start now. Iterate later.

2 - Design

Design helps you capture and hold attention + helps your brand to stand out.

We all think design is easy. In reality, it isn’t. The reason you think it’s easy is because of sites like Dribbble and Behance. Most designs you find there are useless in the real world.

Design is psychology. Your designs should be able to influence people’s behavior to take action (Eg. purchase or sign up for something).

Interesting isn’t it? But how do you do that?

I cover it in the course. (Full disclaimer, this isn’t a course on design. But I do cover the depths of visual design so that you know how to use it to capture and hold attention.)

3 - Philosophy of the Mind - Mental Clarity‍

Achieving mental clarity is not an option. It's a must and a need if you want to succeed.

Here's the thing, we might think that everything we remember is in our heads.

But nowadays, we are bombarded with lots of information, distractions, and whatnot. Most of the thoughts in our heads are jumbled up. This causes a build-up of stress.

To fix this, you need a system to turn the thoughts in your head into impactful content.

The system you need is found in this very course.

I’ll recap everything for you. You need to master these 6 things:

1. Productization
2. Authentic Branding
3. Writing
4. Execution
5. Visual Design
6. Mental Clarity

To truly master them, you need a comprehensive solution, and that's where our course comes in - One Person Business System

Everything you need to launch and scale a profitable and unique one-person business - in just 6 weeks.

Building a
One Person Business isn't easy.

I've been there. I started my journey approximately 3 years ago.

How many skills do you think you need to get a normal job?

Just 1. But you have to be highly skilled in that one skill.

An online business is different. Especially a One Person Business. For most people, 2-3 skills are enough to tire themselves out. But, 3 skills aren't enough.

My current skillset consists of 16 skills. Yes, 16. It's not easy. Never was and never will be.

Don't believe me? Here they are ↓

1. Copywriting
2. Web Design
3. UI/UX Design
4. Visual Design
5. Storytelling
6. Content Creation
7. Video Editing
8. UX Writing
9. Sales
10. Marketing
11. Advertisements
12. Human Psychology
13. Branding
14. Email Marketing
15. Offer Creation
16. Business Strategy

Now, you don't need to master 16 skills like I did. Just about 5-10 is good.

Here are the main ones:
1. Offer Creation
2. Sales
3. Marketing
4. Visual Design
5. Copywriting
6. Storytelling

It doesn't have to be overwhelming.

And that's why I created this course.

This course will guide you through all the main skills that you need to succeed as a One-Person Business.
why trust me?


I'm Arjun, the founder of DisplayZen and creator of this program

Hi, I'm Arjun

The founder/voice of DisplayZen, based in Singapore.

DisplayZen is where you come to when you want to turn your creative interests into a valuable product and build a distinctive brand.

I do this by helping you productize, systemize and build a brand that is both human and AI-proof.

Simply put, I help you live the life you want and achieve your life's purpose through the digital economy.

My skillset and experience have been condensed into a  course - One Person Business System.

This is the course you take if you want to actualize your dreams.


You're in great hands

We make sure our products help you
Positive Reviews (4.7/5 Stars)
One Person Business System

Why do I need this?

Here's how the information and skills taught will impact your life

Ever heard of the 3Fs?

Freedom of Choice (Autonomy)

Freedom of Time


These 3 are timeless principles that shape our actions and desires.

Rules change but principles don’t. They stand the test of time.

Most people will not be able to fulfill these 3 human desires in their lifetime. But you are different.

This landing page acts as a filter. If you made it this far, you must be interested in doing great work, and thus you are already ahead of 99% of people. The fact that you're here shows your willingness to take action (a quality shared by only a few people).

You are in the middle of the digital reign — the time when creator businesses in the digital economy thrive.

Right now, we are still early. But if you continue to delay action, it will soon be too late. The market will become too saturated.

One Person Business System has been crafted from the ground up to help you achieve success in the digital economy (the creative way).

And as a byproduct, achieve The 3Fs (freedom of choice, freedom of time, and fulfillment).

The Curriculum

What exactly will I get?

A deep dive into the One Person Business System

Visual that shows the difference between execution and strategy

One Person Business System focuses on 4 key areas:

Phase 1 - Mindset
Mindset comes first. One of the main reasons you are not growing fast enough is because of your lack of clarity.

Our course will help you gain clarity on your goals and how you can achieve them (without sacrificing your mental energy).‍

Lessons in Phase 1 ↓

✓ Growth Mindset

✓ Focus

✓ Achieving Mental Clarity

✓ Strategic Thinking

Phase 2 - Building A Brand
When you build a brand, you are actually building a community. And what's the best way to nurture and build a strong community? Valuable Content.

There's so much content out there nowadays, making it hard for people to stand out.

But, our content creation system and framework will turn your ideas into impactful AI-proof content with ease.‍

Lessons in Phase 2 ↓

✓ Branding Yourself

✓ Selling Products

✓ Community Growth

✓ Content Creation Process

✓ Generating Ideas

✓ Building Authority

Phase 3 - Productizing Yourself
Turn your expertise and creative interests into a marketable product. You can also call it 'Product Creation'. But the unique part here is that you are the product.

Productization is infinitely scalable. You can't scale your time but you can scale products.

Productization = Value Distribution.

There’s a lot of conflicting advice out there regarding productization. But at the heart of productization, it’s the distribution of value.

Lessons in Phase 3 ↓

✓ Productization

✓ Skills → Product

✓ Network & DM Outreach

✓ Conclusion + Action Steps

Phase 4 - Marketing Your Product
Have you ever experienced a failed launch?

A product that did not meet expectations?

The simple reason to why it failed is Marketing. Marketing is key. It determines whether you make money or won't.

But you don't have to spend 8 hours every day on marketing.

Why? There are ways to systemize and automate them. I'll show you how in this course.

Lessons in Phase 4 ↓

✓ Visual Design Mastery

✓ Leveraging Artificial Intelligence

✓ Market Research

✓ Crafting High-converting Websites

✓ Copywriting & Storytelling

✓ Unique Selling Point - Positioning

✓ Crafting Offers - Pricing, Bonuses, Guarantees, Discounts

✓ Psychology of Sales - Human Psychology & Cognitive Biases

✓ Paid Traffic - Advertisements

✓ Email Marketing - Building Your Newsletter

✓ Traffic and Distribution

✓ Building Systems - Automating Workflow

✓ Product Launch

✓ Action Steps - What's Next

Free bonuses

But wait, there's much more

You get more than just a course. The purpose of bonuses is to guide you in your journey.  Here are 3 bonuses that will accelerate your workflow ↓

Bonus #1 - The Digital Creation Hub - $249

This is where the magic happens. This is the exact Notion system I’ve spent years building and refining to make sure it helps you in every single aspect of your brand.

It helps you ideate, build, create, scale, monitor, and much more. It’s priceless. But, you get it for free.

Bonus #2 - Personalized Help - $1000

Buying this course means you’ll have direct access to me. I could have decided to not include personalized help. Which other course does? But, I want to help you as much as possible.

Ask any questions regarding your brand and I’ll give a personalized answer.

Bonus #3 - Lifetime Updates

No one wants an outdated course. We update our course frequently with new lessons. And you get instant access to those updates for free. Forever.

Enroll in OPBS Course (33% off)
The guarantee

Our Unique Guarantee

It's not what you think, but here's why it's better ↓

This is when you usually see many creators offering a money-back guarantee as part of their marketing plan.

But for this course, there are strictly no refunds. Here’s why ↓

  1. It’s a digital product. I will not let you swipe away all the information for free and refund it afterward. This is the knowledge that took years of experience to build.
  2. Everything comes at a cost. Whether you pay using your time or money is up to you. If you buy this course, you will reduce the time it takes to get to where you want to go. If you don’t, you will spend years learning them yourself.

Lastly, when you pay to access this course, you have all the information and systems you need to earn at least 100K in your lifetime. That’s 1000x more than what you pay.

The systems I’m sharing with you are working for me and countless others. Right now. Today.

But, we are humans after all. If you genuinely paid for this course by accident, reach out to us via email and we will look into it for you (must be within 3 hours of purchase).

enroll now

Pay Once, Learn Forever

No one wants an outdated course. We update our course frequently with new lessons. And you get those updates for free.

$150 $100

Productize yourself, build an authentic brand, and start living the life you want — in just 6 weeks.

By enrolling, you get:
A self-paced course
36 impactful lessons for strategy
10 proven systems for execution
Notion System
An authentic brand
A business that is optimized for freedom
All the knowledge you need to succeed
A brand that sells products on autopilot
Proven systems and frameworks
Personalized help from us
A valuable resource
Free Updates

Enroll Now

Your other options

This course is a low-cost, high-effective investment you can make. Here's what you don't need if you get this course ↓

Multiple Books
A visual that represents a book
Reading is great. I highly suggest you do so. But, books are for knowledge building. The One Person Business System focuses on action. Plus, if you want the knowledge in this course, you need multiple books which quickly adds up in cost.
Multiple Degrees
A visual that represents a book
Getting a degree is useful if you want to show credibility to an employer. Not for a business. Truth is, you need more than 1 skill. So, having just 1 degree (e.g. marketing) is not enough. You need multiple. And that takes years and hundreds of thousands of dollars. The One Person Business System allows for that in 6 weeks with an investment of 0.001% of the price.
Consulting & Coaching
A visual that represents a the brain
Consulting & coaching from experts or reputable people is expensive. They are usually upwards of $1000 for just one hour. The One Person Business System eliminates that. It even offers personalized help from us. For no extra cost.
This course is for you if:
You want to ↓
Make a living on the internet
Optimize your brand for freedom
Build a premium brand
Get access to proven systems
Get personalized help from us
This course is NOT for you if:
You want an easy way out
You don't want to invest in your future
You're not ready to unlock new growth
You don't want a better career
You think you got it all figured out
You're afraid of taking the next step
Enroll in OPBS Course (33% off)

Reviews of our products

This course just launched. Here are some reviews of One Person Business System and our past products. We have a total of 300+ reviews with a 4.7/5 average rating.

I love the structure of the course very organised and interesting new ideas i learned especially phase 4:market your product. I appreciate the effort you are putting

Amine Tiffrent
One Person Business System

Really well done.. Truly like it as it is really to the point. Due to the design and how all content is displayed it feels light to digest.

Wouter Donkers
One Person Business System

Your course is truly exceptional for individuals like me who lead busy lives and needed a comprehensive source material for the one-person business model. It has given me hope after feeling overwhelmed by the saturation in the market with concepts like "productization," "followers," and "personal brand."

Hariz Mazhar
One Person Business System

Really feel like this course is underpriced. The value you provide is easily 10x the price. Love how the lessons are well-designed and the notion template you provide is helpful too.  Good job man.

Zain Safrar
One Person Business System
Profile picture of Jan MrazStar icons

This book is truly the best for any designer wanting to launch their own business

Jan Mraz, 200K+ Followers
Market Driven Design eBook
Profile picture of Angelo LiberoStar icons

A great book for designers willing to launch a successful business.

Angelo Libero, 10K+ Followers
Market Driven Design eBook
Star icons

Love all of DisplayZen Dev's products, always the best I have seen!

Market Driven Design eBook
Star icons

This book is truly the best for any designer wanting to launch their own business.

Market Driven Design eBook
Star icons

This is the most concise eBook I found as a designer who wants to start a product-based business. Kudos to Arjun!

Market Driven Design eBook
have any questions?

We have answers

We know you have doubts. We have answers to them. Here are a few questions you might have ↓

Who is this course for?

This course is for entrepreneurs who want to build undeniable authority, launch and scale digital products, and build a brand that stands out from the competition.

Not only will you learn how to build and launch a premium brand, but you will also learn how to sell your digital products with ease and widespread success.

How will the information and skills taught practically impact my life?

This course will impact your life in 3 ways — which I call The 3Fs ↓

1 - Freedom of Choice (Autonomy)
2 - Freedom of Time
3 - Fulfilment

These 3 are the root principles of our actions. This is also the ultimate end goal of building a brand and productizing yourself (besides spreading value).

And this is exactly what this course was optimized to help you achieve (besides all the skills you'll acquire).

What skills can I expect to have after this course?

By the end of this course, you'll be equipped with these skills:

1. Offer Creation
2. Content Creation
3. Visual Design
4. Marketing
5. Product Creation
6. Authentic Branding
7. Copywriting
8. UX Writing

This course goes in-depth into what truly matters when you build a profitable one-person brand/business that generates at least 10K/month.

While you will be equipped with these skills, you might not be an expert since that is in your hands.

But we can guarantee that you will have a successful one-person business by the end of this course.

Do I get personalized help?

Yes! If you have any questions about growing your brand and want to ask for help, the link to message me (Arjun, Creator of the course) is inside the course. You can ask for help or critiques of your products, websites, social media, etc.

I am a complete beginner, will this help me?

Of course, this is the information we spent years learning and it is now in the form of a course. In simple words, this is the course we wish we had enrolled in when we first started. As a beginner, you need guidance to speed up your journey. This course will guide you.

I have some experience in this and want to scale it further. Will this course be too introductory for me?

Not at all. I made this course with both the beginner and the expert in mind. There will be a lot of new concepts, systems, and in-depth information shared in this course.  The One Person Business System will only elevate your brand further.

Do I get a refund if I don't find it suitable?

No. You are going to access a digital product. I will not let you swipe away all the information for free and refund it afterward. This is the knowledge that took years of experience to build.

When you pay to access this course, you have all the information you need to earn at least 100K in your lifetime. But, if you genuinely paid for this course by accident, reach out to us via email and we will look into it for you. (Must be within 3 hours of purchase).

I have more questions.

You can reach out to us at hello@displayzendev.com and we will be happy to assist you with any questions or requests. Thank you!

Still here?

I don’t really know what to say…

I thought I would be able to convince you by now.

Let’s try one last thing.

1. Take a notebook and a pen.

2. Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit.

3. Write down the 5 most important things you want to achieve in the next 10 years.

4. Flip to the next page, and for each point, write down what you think you should do to get there. Make it as detailed as possible.

5. Now, imagine that you are now 10 years older and have achieved all the 5 things you want (and much more).

6. Focus on the feelings of happiness, security, and fulfillment you would feel.

What if I told you that if we worked together, you can achieve that reality in 5 years? 1 year? 6 weeks?

The reality is, I don't know how long it will take for you. Everyone is different.

There are 2 parts to success: Strategy + Execution.

My course helps you strategize and provide systems that help you execute.

But, only you can actually execute it. As long as you implement the strategies taught + use the systems we provide for execution, you will reach your goal. Without a doubt.

At the end of the day, the choice is in your hands. I can’t and won’t force you for something you think you don't need.

But if you read this far, you know you do.

You probably don’t have enough funds or are still skeptical.

→ I can’t solve the funds' problem.

→ But, I can solve the second problem. However, I don't want to. I don't need to prove my worth.

My social media, website, newsletter, blog, collaborations, and the mentions from other creators (that took years to build) will speak for me.

Click here to purchase the course and your freedom back. For $150 → $100.

In 3 months, it’ll be $297.

See you in the course,
Arjun, Founder of DisplayZen (and the creator of this course)
$150 $100

Productize yourself, build an authentic brand, and start living the life you want — in just 6 weeks.

By enrolling, you get:
A self-paced course
36 impactful lessons for strategy
10 proven systems for execution
Notion System
An authentic brand
A business that is optimized for freedom
All the knowledge you need to succeed
A brand that sells products on autopilot
Proven systems and frameworks
Personalised help from us
A valuable resource
Free Updates

Enroll Now