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The best investment you can make is yourself

The DZ Letter
5 min
Today's Snapshot

> The why

> The how

Read time: 5 min

Hey there, Arjun here

This week's topic: The Ultimate Investment: Investing in Yourself

The greatest investor himself, Warren Buffet has famously said that investing in yourself will be the greatest ROI (return on investment) anyone can make.

“The most important investment you can make is in yourself. The more you learn, the more you earn” - Warren Buffett

Investing in stocks is a safe method. Everyone does that.

But very few people invest in themselves.

Here's an example:

You are making $7 an hour and you save up $1000 to invest it with a 10% interest every year.

But you could also spend that $1000 to learn new skills like copywriting, UI design, programming, and branding. This will make your hourly rate go from $7 to $21. That’s an instant 3X increase in income.

People think they need to be rich or start making a lot of money within the first year of becoming an entrepreneur.

And then they stop if they don’t.

But, if you can spend 4 years for a degree, then work for 1-5 years to finally make 6 figures in your job, which even then, is not guaranteed, why do you think that you should be able to make 6 figures in a year as an entrepreneur?

It takes time - take 5 years. In 5 years, you will make 6 or 7 figures easily if you commit every single day with no distractions and constantly improve, you can easily make that much money or more.

It’s not rocket science. But 1 year? Maybe but maybe not. The key is to not stop. Treat entrepreneurship as a degree and as a lifestyle.

The path to becoming an entrepreneur is different. A 4-year degree isn't compulsory. But investing in yourself is compulsory.

Self-investment is like building a house on a strong foundation:

When you invest in your knowledge, skills, and well-being, you create a solid base that can support a successful and fulfilling life.

So why is investing in yourself important?

1. Personal growth

Investing in yourself is essentially personal development,

This leads to increased self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and overall well-being.

It enables you to identify your strengths and weaknesses and work on them to lead a more balanced and fulfilling life.

2. Financial gains

As you invest in your skills, knowledge, and expertise, you become more valuable in the marketplace.

This increased value can translate into higher earning potential, and overall financial stability.

3. Adaptability

The world is changing. Rapidly. 5 year old knowledge will not be useful now. You have to adapt.

By investing in yourself, you can become more agile, allowing you to stay ahead of the curve and remain relevant.

4. Long-term benefit

Self-investment pays off in the long run, as the skills and knowledge acquired will stay with you throughout your life.

People don’t like to spend money on themselves and want things to happen too quickly.

Growth is exponential and it takes time to see the initial results.

If you can’t spend $500 in yourself, why do you think you can make 500K

Here's another analogy for you:

Personal growth through self-investment is like an artist honing their craft: As you continue to learn, practice, and

develop your skills, you create a masterpiece (your life), filled with vibrant colors and a unique sense of purpose

Here's a list of how you should invest in yourself:


This is how you make more money. Invest in your own skills. With new and better skills, you can charge higher, and make more money.

Look at the courses/books you buy as one class in your entrepreneurial journey.

Here are a few skills you need to focus on building:

- Communication

- Writing

- Copywriting

- Storytelling

- Visual design

- Fundamentals of coding

- Branding

- Personal branding

- Content creation

- Sales

- Productization

Networking and relationships

Building strong relationships and expanding your professional network can open doors to new opportunities and help

you grow personally and professionally.

- Attend industry events

- Join online forums

- Engage in social activities to meet like-minded individuals

- Join communities

- Join masterminds


The environment indirectly affects a lot of things. Your mood, health, productivity, work and so much more. Your environment isn’t just your surroundings like nature. It also consists of:

1. A good desk

2. Good lighting

3. A good mouse

4. A good desk pad

5. A good keyboard

6. A good laptop

7. A good monitor

Other things include:

- Indoor Plants (real is better)


Prioritizing your physical and mental health is a vital aspect of self-investment. Incorporate regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep into your routine.

- Fitness

- Healthy food

- Ergonomic chair and mouse

- Meditation


- Hobbies and passions.

Investing in your passions and hobbies can enhance your creativity, boost your confidence, and provide you with an essential work-life balance.

Pursuing interests outside of your professional life can also help you discover new skills and talents, leading to personal growth and fulfillment.

Investing in yourself is the most valuable and rewarding commitment you can make for a successful and fulfilling life

Hope this newsletter opened up your mind on how you can achieve more success  and unlock new-found growth.

If you ever have any question regarding your brand, business, design, e.t.c → Reply back to us and we’ll help you.

Have a wonderful rest of your day and see you in the next letter, my friends.


Arjun, DisplayZen

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